Posted June 7, 2009   I just wanted to forward to you, Marjie and Jay a successful VBAC birth story. My students, Chris and Jessica did an amazing job, and it is with their blessing that I am forwarding this to you!! I'm so proud of them.   Enjoy! Melissa Boozikee, AAHCC   Hi Melissa!  We had a girl!   Her name is Karen Sandra, she weighed 7lbs, 9 oz,  was 20 inches long, and was born at 6:29 pm on May 30 - her  due date!  Unlike her mommy, she likes to be right on  time!    Other great news - we were successful in having a totally  natural v-bac, and the baby is very successfully  breastfeeding (unlike Evan).  In fact, we took her to  the doctor on June 3rd, and she was already 7lbs, 7 oz - so  almost back to her birth weight after only losing 6 oz at  the hospital!    I started having very mild contractions at 4:30 am on the  30th. I didn't think too much of it , and stayed  in bed (not sleeping though) until 7.  They continued  to be very mild and quite irregular all morning - sometimes  a half hour would go by and I wouldn't even have  one contraction!  I kind of assumed it was false labor,  and was disappointed, but figured if nothing else, at least  it was a good sign that something was happening.  I did  all the things the Bradley Method® says to do - I ate, drank,  tried to sleep, took a shower, and then around 11 or 11:30  we decided to walk to the park with Evan.  I had some  contractions on the way there, then had a few while sitting  and watching Chris chase Evan all around, and then I had  some stronger ones that I couldn't walk through on the  way home.  At home we ate lunch and timed the  contractions - they were as close as 4 minutes apart and as  far apart as 9 minutes - still so irregular and  varied, and still so tolerable that we didn't know  what to think!  Finally, while on the phone with my Mom  to tell her maybe she should come get Evan, I had a strong  contraction that made me concentrate and put the phone  down.  that was close to 3:30 pm.  My parents came  right away and took Evan, and Chris and I decided to time  these stronger  contractions before calling the  midwife.  They were 3 minutes apart, sometimes 2  minutes, and one came less than 2 minutes after the start of  the previous one.  We called our midwife, told her we  were headed to the hospital, and left.  It was now  4:30, and we're a half hour away!  That was a rough  ride, but I still managed to send out a few text messages to  friends and family letting them know we were on the way to  the hospital!  Chris had to focus on driving, and I  just kind of moaned deeply through the contractions, staying  as relaxed as possible in a sitting up position!  When  we got to the hospital they wheeled me in, brought me to a  room right away,    Chris helped me into my hospital gown, they put on the  electronic fetal monitors, and checked me - I was 10  centimeters!  We had to wait about 40 minutes for the  midwife to get there, and I really wasn't having pushing  contractions yet.  My water  broke with one  contraction while I was waiting for the midwife, and that  actually felt like a relief of pressure.  When she got  there, I finally started feeling the urge to push, and about  a half hour later, Karen was born!  It was difficult  work, and painful, but I have to say the entire labor  was so tolerable - even the end.  I never had one  contraction on top of another, always had breaks, and was  able to achieve the birth that I always wanted!    Like I said before, the baby is doing great!  It's  been difficult being home and adjusting to two kids.  I  feel a lot of guilt that the baby is taking up so much of my  time and I can't do for Evan all the things I could just  do last week.  We all just need some time to get used  to our new family dynamics, and I know that these first few  months will be the most difficult.     I am so happy for all that we accomplished, and thank you  so much for all the information and skills you taught us  during the course.  You helped us stay relaxed, feel  confident, and come to the birth armed with a lot of  knowledge that helped us achieve our goal!